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Sunday, December 05, 2004

meow: blah blah blah

project-updates and photos!! you thought my promises were a bunch of poo, didn't you? i had doubts myself.

first, strawberry cream and chocolate ruffle... it hasn't been going well. in fact, i've hit a plateau. i'm wondering if my design isn't a bit lame after all and perhaps i don't really like it. hopefully it's just a phase.

also, the side-edges are driving me crazy. the side that begins w/ a knit stitch is never as neat as the side that begins w/ a purl stitch. i've adjusted tension; i've even tried twisting the end stitches. nothing helps. they still look terribly imperfect. it bothers me. does this happen to you? or is it just me?

in any case, i'm knitting on. it has grown a bit more, but here is a photo at 35 inches:

as you can see, the edges curl like mad. it's a skinny scarf--just shy of three inches across--so the stockinette stitch rolls itself into a tube. vigorous blocking should hopefully fix this. close view of actual width and curling:

as for my oregano sweater, preparations have begun. i've swatched on desired needles and taken about 25 measurements--circumference of locations along my trunk/arms and distances between circumferences. i have a clear concept of the sweater: 3/4 raglan sleeves, ribbed cuffs and collar, fancy button things at the neck. i'm ready for graph paper.

now for something completely different (hee): i'm in love...

i had read about the virtues of knitted dishcloths--machine washable, durable rather than disposable, and no more yucky dish sponges. Also, Kitty Kitty still talks about a knitted cotton chenille washcloth she had once upon a time, so i decided knitting was in order.

this meant cotton yarn (water-friendly and quick-drying), but current cotton agriculture is a damaging practice. conventional cotton farming/processing takes a host of carcinogenic pesticides, herbicides, sometimes even formaldehyde; a cotton t-shirt takes about 1/3 lb. of chemicals to make, for examples. here is an article on the PANNA site if you want more information.

what to do? Blue Sky Organic Cotton! no agri-chemicals! no dyes! i bought a ball of sand (color #81) at Imagiknit the other day, feeling good about my ecologically sound and practical purchase.

then, after knitting just a few rows, i became hopelessly enamored. i never knew cotton could be so velvety and squishy. i wish i could carry around a blanket of this yarn (like Linus from Peanuts!). here is a fiber close-up, though i can't do the tactile sensation justice:

don't you want to swaddle yourself in it? my needles immediately began clicking on a washcloth. i enjoyed every marshmallow-y stitch and stopped often to snuggle the cloth against my cheeks. here is what i made:

it has already seen a long, hot bath, and i'm very pleased with the results. it's absorbent, soft, and wrings/dries well. it's silly how much i enjoy the washcloth. i love this aspect of crafting; conventional products don't usually reveal what i miss until i set out to create my own version.

the rest of the ball is for dishcloths, and i will add some rough yarn for a scrubby section. the idea came from this dishcloth forum. i never knew there were dishcloth forums until i started reading up for this post!

ok, this is a bit long. thanks for sticking with me... meow.

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