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Monday, April 02, 2007

kitty: so much to show, but so little time!

Eye Candy and a Self-Portrait combined!

I really thought it was cool how dark it was ahead of the car and how bright it was behind. I couldn't believe the view from inside the car, just felt kind of magical to me. It was a nice sight to see after such a long day.

I also realized after tonight, I have three FO's I haven't blogged anything really about, one sweater that is almost done, and a pair of socks that are half way done. I have been such a bad blogger as of late and holding out. Sorry. (hanging my head in shame)

So here is a quick FO post of my felted mittens.

The Specs: Felted Mittens
Pattern: From L. in my weaving class.
Yarn: Reynolds Loopi yarn
Time: 2 hours
Cost: unknown. It was a sweet gift from L.

There is something really wonderful about knitters. There seems to always be a willingness to share knowledge at a drop of a hat. I brought up to L, in weaving class that I had always wanted to learn to knit mittens. The next class she brought me in some needles, yarn, and a pattern all ready for me to embark on my first pair of felted mittens. Or for that matter felted anything.

The week before I had brough her a little sock kit with a copy of the knitty gritty episode about how to knit socks.

I am really happy how well they turned out. The pattern was super easy and I knit each one in about an hour each. Who knows, everyone I know may be getting mittens now.

Thank you so much L, I really love my new mittens.

Here is a quick peek at the wonderful box that arrived in the mail today. There are so many goodies in there I don't know what to say other than, Thank you so much Mia. M will be a happy boy tonight.

More tomorrow about the treasures inside the box, including those gorgeous socks peeking out. Yes, those are out of Sweet Georgia's treasure yarn in Still Water. They are so pretty you wouldn't believe. And the sock yarn in that bag, wow comes to mind.

More tomorrow and hopefully some more FO's.


  1. An hour? You knit a mitten in an hour?
    That's it, I'm switching to bigger yarn!

  2. You still haven't figured out the real reason I send you boxes yet have you? I send them so you will be forced to post. And M is a happy boy anytime he gets sugar. Now knit, knit, knit!!!!
