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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

MG: socks socks socks

did you notice the number of socks in Kitty Kitty's most recent knitting update? no pairs but still two completed socks and three others on the needles. hmm, unusual increase in sock-knitting activity...

we are up to something--a teeny tiny little sock pact.

a couple of weeks ago, i found the 52 Pair Plunge knitalong. they are knitting 52 pairs of socks from the first week of april this year to the same time next year. a pair a week! it's the sort of task that has a finite goal, is simple to quantify (count the socks, even fractions thereof), ambitious enough to make one giddy, and so so satisfying because something just a little nutty is being done for the love of socks. it's the same sort of thing that made the Knitting Olympics so satisfying.

i pointed Kitty Kitty to the 52 pair plunge knitalong; she thought it was crazy. i lamented being too late to sign up; she thought about it... and said she was game. hahaha. so, a knitbuddies sock pact. we will knit 52 pairs of socks before Maryland Sheep and Wool 2008, starting last week; that's a pair a week with a couple of weeks buffer. any UFO socks can be finished and counted towards the 52.

i was to finish a pair last sunday. the above is all i have. gotta go knit socks.


  1. Since you mentioned the MD Sheep and Wool Fest, I wondered if you were attending. And, wondered if there would be a "blogger" meet-up somewhere?

    Not necessarily a formal "thing", but someplace where us bloggers and lurkers could say "hello".

    (and I still need to make my site able to take comments...one of these days)

  2. Oh yes, and the sock is beautiful! Good luck on your quest for sock completion!

  3. Nice sock. Some one is trying to get me to commit to the challenge as well but I can't do a pair in a week. Some of us have a life.

    And Debbie, there will be a blogger meet-up next weekend. It will be posted here in the next day or two plus on my blog.

  4. Wow, what a big undertaking:D Good luck, your sock is beautiful!!

  5. Oh my! 52 pairs of socks in 52 weeks is a lot of knitting. What would worry me the most is not having time to knit anything other than socks for that whole year. First pair is looking good. :)
