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Thursday, January 10, 2008

MG: need giant buttons

hi! thanks for the contest entries; Kitty Kitty and i are really enjoying them. it's thought-provoking--the interaction of materials and outcomes, of the crafts we co-pursue. it's also been fun to meet the delurkers. thank you all for saying hello. we'll leave the contest open until the end of the day this Friday the 11th, so there is still time to enter if some stragglers so desire.

twinkle hoodie reknitting was completed a few weeks ago. but i'm not sure where to look for giant buttons, so the hoodie sits neglected, asking for its finishing wash and darning. i do like the sweater a whole lot. squishy nubbiness. and the fit is lovely now; worth the new 15mm needle and frogging and reknitting.

will i find cute buttons large enough to befit thee?

* * *
(the separation asterisks up there make me nostalgic for books of my young adulthood.) other making-type goings on:

bfl the color of lemon creme

roasted butternut squash soup


  1. Love your hoodie--lovely color! Can't help you on the buttons--but in this case, google is probably your best friend.

  2. I love the color of the new sweater. The internet and thrift shops will be your best bet for the buttons though. If I find any, I will look for purple ones.

  3. MMMMM... the soup and the yarn both look yummy!
