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Monday, April 27, 2009

kitty: what's on the needles

It isn't done yet, I still need to add the border to the edge, but I just had to share the photos of my progress on my Victorian version of a hap shawl and what is on the needles this month. (Since I am using my own hand spun I knew I didn't have enough yarn for a full hap shawl) During the Victorian age there was a half version of the hap shawl designed mainly for the tourism market since it would save yarn. Here is the version that I have designed based loosely on Sharon Miller's book and other references that I found on hap shawls.

The thing that really impresses me the most about hap shawls is how easy the math in the calculations were in creating the shawl. I couldn't be happier with the end product. And I keep looking at the yarn and saying you know... I spun that.

Shetland Hap Shawl
by Sharon Miller

Hap shawls are all about everyday warm shawls. Since they weren't considered special, few of them have survived through out history, even though more of these plain shawls were sold than the fancy lace shawls.

The book is mostly an exploration of the history of the hap shawl. And like the hap shawl itself there are not a lot of formal patterns within the book. Sharon Miller clearly defines the mathematical equation to create a hap shawl and she shows you the historical colour combination for the stripes.

from a previous post that I wrote --- kitty:my thoughts on square shawl construction

"Border Inwards" Traditional Hap Shawl
19th century

This shawl is knit in two pieces. The center is knit as a diamond in garter stitch. The big difference is the outer length of each of the outer borders are cast on and worked to the center. Then the center edges are grafted together traditionally using the Herringbone Stitch or Mattress stitch.

Miller, Sharon 2006. "Heirloom Knitting's Shetland Hap Shawls"

"Border Inwards" Modern Hap Shawl

This shawl is knit in one piece if knitted in the round. The center is knit as a diamond in garter stitch. Then the outer stitches on all sides are picked up and knit outwards. (Note: If you do not work this shawl in the round you would do the method described above under Traditional Shetland Shawl.)

Miller, Sharon 2006. "Heirloom Knitting's Shetland Hap Shawls"

Other Patterns:

Ysolda - Hap Blanket | Hazel Carter The Hap Shawl |


  1. Wow this is really, really lovely!!

  2. The shawl is lovely! Your handspun is beautifully showcased in this pattern.


  3. I can only crochet...this makes me want to learn how to knit! Some of my handspun would look amazing in this pattern. Tho I'm super bad at patterns & do everything freeform ;)

  4. Love the shawl and the little bit of history! Made me feel like watching a Jane Austen movie and casting on ;)
