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Saturday, January 08, 2005

MeowGirl: yay! & argh...

hello. i'm back in berkeley and ready to knitblog away. most of my holiday knitting escapades took place with Kitty Kitty, who has been keeping you up to date. so, i'll opine on just two happenings.

the ruffle scarf from Scarf Style (edited by Pam Allen) was enormously fun to knit. i started it as practice for my empty hands and also out of curiosity--Kitty Kitty and i have both wondered about it. what would it be like to knit? what does it look like in person? could any knitter--specifically, us--create a good version?

i was impressed with the pattern. the short rows made for exciting knitting, and the results were lovely curling tendrils. Kitty Kitty had been slightly fearful, but after she saw the emerging ruffles, she wanted in on the scarf. left to my own devices, i would have ripped what i had and returned the yarn to her stash; instead, i showed her how to short row. we passed the scarf back and forth, which was an ultimate in giggly, yarny fun. she took over when i left, and last i visited, it was over 90 inches long! i'm sure Kitty Kitty will be posting an FO photo soon.

on a less pleasant note...

we do not understand why Clover is pulling their tiny circulars from the U.S. market. the 22cm (8", actually almost 9") circs i tested were amazingly comfortable and knitted beautifully. Kitty Kitty did not exaggerate when she said i fell in love. i would not find it tiresome to knit entire sleeves using them, and their size makes knitting small sleeves in the round possible.

we have both seen these Clover circulars carried by local yarn stores, chain craft stores, and online stores. and as far as we can tell, knitters are buying them, for we never see them in neglected quantities. so, we can only guess there are other knitters like us, and there is a market in the U.S. for them.

in general, i am frustrated by the lack of small circulars in the states. Addi Turbo comes in 12", but not every store that carries Addis will stock them. small circs are readily available in Europe and Asia, but they being removed from the U.S. what do you do when you want to knit seamless small/baby hats, sleeves, socks? always DPNs? and those who find DPNs unwieldy?

is there really no market here? or are silly assumptions about American knitters at work? argh... meow

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