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Saturday, February 05, 2005

MeowGirl: down with knitting errors!

after two more false starts (i.e. more frogging), oregano is back on my needles.

while working the k1p2 edge, i realized this... when fresh to a knitting session, my fingers glide along to the rhythm of alternating knits and purls in pause-less perfection. i ride this zephyr until the appearance of a mistake (purl for knit; knit for purl. blech!). upon that first booboo, error frequencies immediate increase, much to my frustration. is it just me, or does this happen to you?

don't know if it is brain fatigue or simply the flustered loss of pace... but i implemented a new practice to counter this tendency of mine. upon a single stitch of error, i lay down my knitting, even for just a little while. sounds good, no? aren't i a good little knitter to strategize for flawless knitting?

i recently found out Lotta Jansdotter has a studio/shop in San Francisco--open to the public on tuesdays and wednesdays!! i love her botanical motifs, pared down to geometry and light and colors. they are like clear remembrances of childhood springs--young enough to notice, old enough to know to love. ok, enough wordy pontification (it's hard to properly describe). the point is, i'm inspired. a seed sprouts for a Jansdotter-esque intarsia sweater.

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