finally got the nerve to start spinning one of the natural dyed roving balls
I bought at MS&W.
It is official, I am in love with spinning. Using this roving has really taught me a lot about how the colours will turn out. The colours are a lot less intense than the roving ball. I was really hopping for more intense colours. There were bright sections of green, purple, red, and orange, these all turned our really muted.
I learned if I drafter large hunks of fiber I got these wonderful self striping sections. If I separated it down to almost the proper size I got more solid sections of colour. So, I am not sure if this is the case with all hand dyed roving, but I guess this just means more spinning. Oh NO. :)
I also finished the Pakucho
Organic Cotton tank top. After searching all of my pattern books I ended
up coming up with my own pattern for the tank top. It is a little big on top,
but as a hole I am really happy with it. It was my first personal designed sweater
pattern. Well except for all the bloody ends that need to be woven in. I promise
a better photo when the finishing fairies are done with all those ends. But
since so far I am stuck weaving those ends in it may take awhile.
Oh Finishing Fairies I promise some home made cookies, chocolate, and soy milk if you come and finish my sweater. :)
Posted latter. Check out a site a friend just sent me. WereNotAfraid.com -"Show the world that we're not afraid of what happened in London, and that the world is a better place without fear". Scroll down to the Benno G., Germany post of the black cat.
Wow! Your spindling is good! I am completely hopeless but then i haven't done much practice. Must pick it up again before the wheel arrives!!