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Monday, September 26, 2005

Kitty: Success The office is Clean

I spent most of the weekend cleaning my offices. A lot of critical deadlines are approaching quickly with work (November 22 is only 57 days away) and all the mess in my office had to go. Yes, mom I was procrastinating again with cleaning vs working. I haven't changed at all. I also wanted to get the closet to the point that I could finally leave the door open without having to worry about the cats getting into something they shouldn't. I have no idea why, but the closet is the coolest room in the house.

The office is now officially cleaner than it has ever been and more organized then when I originally set it up 5 years ago. :)

While I was looking for stuff and carting loads down to the basement, I found this UFO. This was one of the favorite things I freehand embroidered while I was in college. She was done on green silk velvet and silk thread. I brought her upstairs to get a step closer to finishing her up finally.


  1. The bag is pretty. Now how do you feel about cleaning up the rest of the house?

  2. HAHAHA Mia..... I will leave the entire house cleaning project to you. If you hear I am cleaning other parts of the house you know I am really avoiding work. I cleaned the kitchen out a weekend or two ago.
