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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

MG: colors

bfl sliver in Hercules

seismic shifts are creeping through the geography my color preferences. i crave pale yellows, bright oranges, reds, and greenish blues; complex but saturated colors; energetic combinations. these were things i mostly avoided before. the Fleece Artist fibers i brought home from A Wool Gathering in september surprise me in the visceral effect they have on me. i want to devour them, like bites out of a sticky-sweet ripe summer melon.

merino sliver in Cosmic

i'm thinking about spinning one of these for hubby's zeebee. singles? 3 separate plies? chain-ply? what do you think? my photographic skills are inadequate for the capture of these colors. they are luminous and varied and strong, yet my eyes don't find them garish.

Cosmic closeup


  1. You had to post a picture of this beautiful fiber just when I decided to give up spinning, didn't you?

  2. I can't suggest a spinning style, having given up spinning years ago. But they do look good enough to eat!
