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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

kitty: 花生湯圓

photo taken by M Canon 450D

Hope you all were able to find a few moments to spend with your love ones today. This is how M and I spent the last few minutes of January 1, 4707 . We made tangyuan (peanut butter dumplings) and I thought seriously about making molded cookies, but laziness won out. I got them out and got them oiled so that should count for something. They just take so long to make and bake.

Though M was just happy to have the majority of the tangyuan he thankfully didn't care.

I really think the year of the Ox will be a good one for me and scary. Lots of changes and new beginnings to look forward to this year. I just need to do my best! Change and a new outlook on things is sometimes what we all need. :)


  1. happy chinese year! Ironically, i just saw bunch of festive chinese recipes in the Canadian Living mag and thought i should try to make some dumplings sometime.
